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Gwynn Logistics LLC Launches new Website

On January 14, 2013, Gwynn Logistics LLC (a Landstar agency) launched it's new website. The website was built and designed with to help customers and potential customers better understand product and service offerings. The site also allows customers to track and trace their truck transportation shipments via the "track your vehicle" link. ...
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Required Hazmat Regulation Amendment as of January 1st

The U.S. Department of Transportation reported that as of January 1st, “PHMSA proposes to make miscellaneous amendments to the Hazardous Materials Regulations to update and clarify certain regulatory requirements. These proposed amendments are designed to promote safer transportation practices; eliminate unnecessary regulatory requirements; address a petition for rulemaking; incorporate a special permit into the Hazardous Materials Regulations; facilitate international commerce; and simplify the regulations.” NPRM is regulating this new policy to update and simplify current requirements by integrating changes to the Hazardous Materials Regulations. Federalregister.gov stated...
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